Wellness is a way of life that always involves exploring, searching, asking new questions and discovering new answers, all the while living in the physical, mental and social dimensions. Objective of this study is to gather all the wellness dimension models introduced in previous studies and determine how they will affect the society. The literature survey on wellness dimension models provided a lot of valuable information on this topic and so this study on wellness was conceptualized based on the previous literature on wellness dimensions. The relevant wellness dimension literature was selected according to "Preferable Reporting Items Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis" (PRISMA) by Liberati et al. (2009). Following its recommendations, literature for the current study was compiled. The search was a continuous process that followed certain steps like identification, scanning and checking for eligibility for inclusion. From the literature, it is evident that wellness models have been in use over the past several decades. In the seven wellness models found, six dimensions are emphasized, specifically Social Wellness, Spiritual Wellness, Physical Wellness, Emotional Wellness, Intellectual Wellness and Occupational Wellness. This study suggests that recognizing and practicing these six dimensions of wellness in workplaces as well as in educational institutions by employees, students and athletes can mold a better society with a better attitude. Also, policymakers, administrators, entrepreneurs, and higher education institutes can develop their activities and enhance efficiency and effectiveness by focusing on “doing the right things and the things right to do,” using the most suitable wellness model.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejsss.v0i0.807
Copyright (c) 2020 P. D. V. Charika Wickramarathne, Jeong Chun Phuoc, Ahmad Rasmi Suleiman Albattat

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