This study investigates consumerism and consumer behaviour in Rivers State, Nigeria. To achieve its main purpose, three specific purposes and three research questions were posed. The study adopted descriptive research design. Questionnaire was used for data collection. The population of the study was made up of all consumers in the 23 local government areas of Rivers State which are estimated to be around 7,409,304 people, that is, 4,112,001 males and 3,297,303 females. Sample of 230 respondents were selected using convenient sampling technique. The instrument for data collection was tested for reliability using Cronbach alpha test to obtain a reliability index of 0.72. Data collected for the study were analysed using mean and standard deviation and grand mean score to answer the research questions. The demographic profiles of the respondents were analysed using percentage. The study revealed that information about consumers’ rights were to a low extent accessed through consumers’ association in Rivers State. This means that consumerism in Rivers State is low or relatively new. It also revealed that consumers’ behaviour before purchase was to a low extent influence by their information about consumers’ rights and their behaviour after purchase was based on gentleman reactions. Therefore, it was recommended among others that educated consumers especially from the academic settings should form associations for creating awareness of consumers’ rights in Rivers State. It was also recommended that informed consumers must come together and form genuine movements aimed at championing their rights and instituting actions against unscrupulous marketers and businesses when the need arises.
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