Human Trafficking is a pervasive phenomenon which has increased in recent decades. Human Trafficking, in particular that of women, is ranked as the first three profitable businesses, after drug and weapons trafficking. Human society is familiar with the phenomenon of human trafficking and its exploitation in various forms throughout time. Given that human trafficking was spread very fast and was considered a major problem, most states quickly began to undertake immediate measures to respond to this threat. To create a contemporary penal procedural legislation which may answer the demands of the time, our drafters of the Criminal Procedural Code are set on a considerable extent in the Italian criminal procedural legislation. Therefore, the aim of this study is to achieve a critical analysis of the Albanian legislation on the phenomenon of trafficking in human beings also to compare it with the Italian penal legislation.
Article visualizations:
Shegani A., The Harmonization of the Albanian criminal legislation in the field of Trafficking and Terrorism, pg 2.
Alen Buchanan. Justice, Legitimacy and Self – Determination – Moral Foundations for International Law. pg. 75
Convention related to slavery, Article 1
Penal Code of the Republic of Albania, Article 110 / a, amended by Law No. 9188, dated 12.02.2004, Article 1.
Penal Code of the Republic of Albania, Article 114 / b, amended by Law No. 9188, dated 12.02.2004, Article 2
Penal Code of the Republic of Albania, Article 128 / b, amended by Law No. 9188, dated 12.02.2004, Article 3
Penal Code of the Republic of Albania, Article 128 / b, amended by Law No. 9188, dated 12.02.2004, Article 3
Offenses covered by this provision are: beating, Article 90 of the Penal Code, serious injury by negligence, Penal Code Article 91i, Injury due to negligence, Article 92 of the Penal Code, violation of domicile, article 112 of the Penal Code, insult, article 119 of the Criminal Code, defamation, Section 120 of the Penal Code, Interference in private life, Article 121 of the Criminal Code, Spreading personal secrets, Section 122 of the Penal Code Denial of livelihood, Article 125 of the Criminal Code, Publication of another person's work in his own name, article 148 of the Penal Code, Reproduction of the work of another, Article 149 of the Criminal Code, Destruction of property by other means, Article 254 of the Criminal Code
H. Islami, A. Hoxha, Ilir Panda, Criminal Procedure, Commentary, Tiranë, 2003, pg. 141-143
Bozo. Aurela, Development and implementation of Albanian legislation, in war against human trafficking with a focus on protecting and guaranteeing the rights of victims of trafficking in human beings, Tirane, 2008,pg 20-25.
Family Code, Sections 33, 34, 36, 37, 39.
Italian Penal Code, Sections 600 and following...
Koça A., A comparative criminal-legal overview, on the human beings trafficking. Tiranë 2006, pg 36-41.
Decision No. 21019, dt. 19.02.2004.
Law no. 75 year1958, Merlin Law, Article 3.
Koça A., A comparative criminal- legal overview, on the human beings trafficking. Tiranë 2006, pg 36-41.
Copyright (c) 2018 Kristina Qypi

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