Samuel Yeboah Asiedu, Alexander Kafui Jarh, Joseph Oscar Azaglo, Robert Lavoe


A survey and laboratory work were carried out during a study conducted within the Ashanti Mampong Municipal area of Ghana to develop an acceptable carrot-based drink from Tokita and Kuroda varieties of carrot. A sample size of one hundred and fifty (150), comprising producers of carrot, sellers of carrot and regular consumers of carrot were used. Respondents were randomly chosen based on consent. Analysis of the data collected from respondents revealed that 78% of carrot producers and 70% of carrot sellers were willing to try the new product (i.e. the carrot drink) whilst 80% of the general carrot consuming populace also expressed interest in the carrot drink. Analysis of the Kuroda and Tokita carrot roots revealed that protein and fat were higher in Tokita, i.e. 40.78% and 3.17% respectively than Kuroda which recorded 36.55% and 2.00% respectively. The findings also indicated that Vitamin C was higher in Tokita root than in Kuroda root that is 7.49mg/100g and 6.78mg/100g respectively. In terms of minerals, Potassium and Phosphorus were higher in Kuroda root that is 6.13% and 3.22% respectively than in Tokita which recorded 5.08% and 3.11%, respectively. The final consumer acceptable drinks were subjected to proximate, vitamins and mineral analyses in the laboratory. PH, Titratable Acidity and vitamin C were also monitored under two (2) storage conditions, i.e. room (ambient) temperature at 26°C and refrigeration temperature of 5°C for seven (7) days to determine the shelf life. The acidity of both the Kuroda and Tokita drinks increased slightly from 5.22 to 4.19 and 5.19 to 4.67 respectively after being stored for seven (7) days in the refrigerator. Meanwhile, under room temperature of 26°C storage, the pH of Kuroda increased from 5.22 to 4.11 and that of Tokita from 5.19 to 4.06. Vitamin C was better preserved under refrigerator storage of drinks of both varieties than under room temperature storage.

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chemical properties, Kuroda, Tokita, varieties, carrot, development, consumer, drink, quality storage

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Copyright (c) 2020 Samuel Yeboah Asiedu, Alexander Kafui Jarh, Joseph Oscar Azaglo, Robert Lavoe

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