It was found that physical school materials are available at a level expressed in terms of (Mean=2.50, SD=.83), and school resources availability with (Mean=2.33, SD=0.95) are not adequate in nine years basic education whereas financial school resources with (Mean= 2.71, SD=.93) are adequate. The study equally found that there was no correlation between physical resources availability, human resources availability and financial resources availability; they are not predictors of school materials utilization. Whereas administrative buildings, academic buildings with (β=.261, p value=.043 <.005), stationeries (β=.272, p value=.034<.05), school transport (β=.262, p value=.042<0.5) and school projects (β=-.247, p value=.41<.05) are statistically predictors of school materials utilization. The study recommends to the government of Rwanda through Ministry of Education to provide more school materials such physical educational resources, train human resources, increase budget for educational resources in order to be able to implement competence based curriculum in nine years basic education.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejsss.v5i5.915
Copyright (c) 2020 James Harindintwari, Elinami Swai Veraeli, Mary Wilfred Ogondiek

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