Lawrence Asige Mmaitsi


Globally, many development organizations both in the public and private sector need resources to help them continue providing services to the community they serve. Specifically, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) for a long time have relied on the generosity of donors to support their project activities through grants and donations. The main objective of this study is to examine the challenges and opportunities that NGOs face in the 21st century while mobilizing resources and fundraising in their quest to remain afloat in the ever-changing world. The study adopted a descriptive research design. The target population constituted 28 NGOs operating in Narok Town. Various concepts from a collection of 35 studies on challenges and opportunities of resource mobilization and fund raising among NGO between the period 2000 and 2018 were assessed and evaluated. The findings of the study were analyzed based on the common themes and contradictions in the results. The study concluded that NGOs should diversify their funding bases, approach local corporate bodies and philanthropists for funding support. Prudent and sound organizational management of NGOs should be adopted in order to maintain their key mandate as alternatives in working for the vulnerable people. Given the expected roles local NGOs have to play in the development of the less privileged communities, all other players in the development process must collectively re-examine their contributions towards the financing of local NGOs. Local NGOs on their part should be able to assess factors that hinder them from enjoying public and corporate support and ensure effective collaboration between them and the public. The study recommends that there is need to strengthen policies that are related to management of NGO so as to promote sustainability. Secondly, measures need to be put in place to ensure that NGOs can respond to current issues. There is also need to support proper networking so as to create sustainable networks within the NGO sector. Lastly, development agencies need to unearth the root causes of ineffectiveness and redundancies in NGOs through organizational capacity assessment and trainings. This study is expected to offer insights on resource mobilization and fundraising to upcoming NGOs, development partners, CBOs, upcoming researchers, the Government, Educationists and students from a global to a local scenario.

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challenges, fundraising, non-governmental organizations, opportunities, resource mobilization

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