Jurana Aziz


Teaching is a challenging profession and in pedagogy, the educators very often face difficulties dealing with the problems of the learners. The teachers are facing challenges to face the situations. Then they usually address their own solutions to overcome the situations. But to do it successfully one can implement the Needs- based Analysis that will focus on the specific learning strategy and help the educators overcome the difficulties in a learning environment. A Needs Analysis (NA) refers to a family of procedures for gathering information about learners and about communicative tasks for use in syllabus design in an academic context (Ronald V. White 1998). As the learner’s priority is given the goal of achieving communicative competence is served authentically by adopting a NA. This paper aims at the certain points important to construct a NA for the learners of the Advanced level, usually targeted at the university level students of Bangladesh. First, it will show the basic needs the tertiary learners of Bangladesh face in acquiring the second language and then it emphasizes on the findings and finally it shows how to implement some of the probable steps in a teaching-learning context. It also focuses on the limitations while preparing a NA. The samples are taken from the students of Honors and Masters, of different semesters studying at IER (Institute of Education and Research) and one of the private universities (East West University). For all of them English is the Target Language. Simple Random Sampling technique was followed to carry on the research and data was collected from close interviews and questionnaires. It is a qualitative approach to find out the needs of the learners.


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needs analysis, strategy, competence, target language, tertiary level

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Hymes, D. (1966) ‘On Communicative Competence’. Paper originally read at the Research Planning Conference on Language Development among Disadvantaged Children, Yeshiva University, June 1966. Reprinted, in part, in Brumfit and Johnson (eds) (1979).

Richterich, R. (1972) A Model for the Definition of Language Needs of Adults Learning a Modern Language. Strasbourg: Council of Europe.

Richterich, R., and Chancerel, J.L. (1977/80) Identifying the Needs of Adults Learning a Foreign Language. Strasbourg: Council of Europe. Also Oxford: Pergamon Press.

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White, R.V. (1998) The ELT Curriculum: Design, Innovation and Management. Blackwell Publishers, London, UK.



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