Kaili Liu


This paper aims to present a course design focusing on culture and language learning for low-proficiency EFL classes, and an evaluation of this course. Extensive research has been undertaken discussing cultural content and exploring effective pedagogy to develop learners’ intercultural communicative competence in the context of English as lingua franca (ELF). However, few studies have addressed the issue of teaching low-proficiency students. In light of this, this study integrates an ELF writing project to facilitate culture and language learning for 32 low-proficiency college EFL learners, and investigates the effects of this course using a questionnaire survey, students’ reflection papers and the teacher’s observation and personal notes. The study found positive learning results. As well as these positive results, this study also discusses how the teacher uses students’ writings to teach some essential intercultural communication skills to prepare students as ELF users. Some pedagogical suggestions are also made for teachers with low-proficiency students and curriculum designers.


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culture and language, English as lingua franca, intercultural communicative competence, low-proficiency EFL learners

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