Burcu Okmen, Abdurrahman Kılıc


The purpose of this research is to reveal how the secondary school English course comes true and how teaching practices are implemented in line with the opinions of English teachers. In this research, the case study was adopted from the qualitative research designs. The study group consists of two teachers working in the central school, one working in the religious vocational secondary school, two working in the district, and one teacher working in the village. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with six English teachers working in different schools and settlements. For this purpose, semi-structured interview forms were used. In data analysis, the content analysis method was used. The obtained data were coded by the same investigator for two months, the resulting codes were collected under the themes and the obtained themes were presented in tables. As a result of the study it was seen that teachers did not prepare annual and weekly / daily plans, did not do enough activities to improve speech and listening skills, and did not teach grammar in an integrated manner in language skills. It was also seen that teachers have importance to reading skills and vocabulary teaching and that they use the textbooks and supplementary materials as basic teaching materials. Teachers think that the lack of a branch system and the lesson time has a negative effect on language teaching. According to the results of the research, a number of suggestions were made.


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English, English teaching, teaching practices

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejel.v0i0.1802


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