Enes Kemal Kosar


The main goal of this study is to observe the role of English high school teachers in a society from the perspective of EFL students. This study investigated the role of English high school teachers in a society as perceived by ninety nine (99) students studying high school in Turkey, with a questionnaire consisting of one open ended question. Overall, the answers which were conducted from the participant students were significantly different from each other. High school students had quite different perceptions when the age factor was considered, but mostly the answers were astounding similar to each other. The main logic behind this study is definitely not an intent to dig down the importance of teachers; however feedback is not an easy attempt in the process of education, so considering the opinions of the other important actors, which is students and teachers as the other, is a critical step in the field on behalf of the students perspective as the ‘educated’ ones. The findings have implications for knowledge- based teachers and the ones who see being a teacher as a job. The outcome of our research indicates that; high school English teachers needs to upgrade their role in our society by integrating with the youth and the innovative era itself in order to stay connected with the fresh generations in class, and also just knowledge based mindsets closed to upgrading itself, and lacking of presenting English in many ways of accessibility in today’s daily life does not have an effective role for the new coming society.


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high school EFL students, high school English teachers, high school in Turkey

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