The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between stereotyped thoughts about foreign language and English self-efficacy perception of high school students in terms of various variables. 900 students from different high schools in Ankara, Turkey attended this study as a sample group. Data were collected through “Scale for Stereotyped Thoughts about Foreign Language” (Ünal, 2015) and “English Self-efficacy Perception” (Yanar, 2008). t-Test, one way ANOVA, Kruskal Wallis, Mann Whitney U, Pearson correlation, Regression analysis was used to analyze the data. This study was designed with comparative correlational survey design. There is statistically significant difference in their stereotyped thoughts about foreign language in terms of private/state high school, the aim of learning English variables. There are statistically significant differences in their foreign language self-efficacy perceptions in terms of private/state high school, weekly studying hours, and the aim of learning English variables. Pearson-r correlation revealed no significant relationship between the Stereotyped Thoughts toward foreign language and English Self-efficacy Perception of Students. Regression analysis showed that stereotyped thoughts can not predict English self-efficacy.
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