Nilda Hocaoğlu, Gürbüz Ocak


This study aims to investigate the challenges of writing in English according to the students studying at Afyon Kocatepe University. In this study, it is also identified whether there are any significant differences between the groups in terms of gender, study area, study year, having a preparatory English education at the university, type of high school, having a family member who knows English Language, having foreign friends and the experience of speaking English in a social environment. The study population is consisted of 945 bachelor students whom have been identified through maximum variation sampling. Data collected by 5 Point Likert scale, has been analyzed through t-test, Mann Whitney U-test, ANOVA and Kruskal Wallis. Nearly 50 % of the students face challenges about writing in English due to the lack of knowledge of techniques necessary for writing.


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writing in English, challenges, difficulties, problems, university students

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