The purpose of the current study was to investigate the level of test anxiety in EFL students’ at Kandahar University. This was quantitative research approach in which survey questionnaire was developed to collect data from the students. One hundred and eighty students (freshmen, sophomore, junior and senior) were selected through the use of random sampling method which 159 were males and 21 were females. The data was analyzed by using IBM 24 version of SPSS and found out the frequency and percentage as well mean and standard deviation. The problem was that most of the students had test anxiety and failed in their final exam. The findings of this study revealed that students have high level of test anxiety before from the test because of not having time to study, not answering well to the questions and unseen questions in the test. As well as, students have high level anxiety during the test; they could not remember the answers in the test area, limitation of the time and the use of hard words in the questions. Moreover, lack of self-confidence about given answers to the questions and giving wrong answers to the questions made the students to have high level of test anxiety after the test.
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