Guoying Yan, Xiaolin Zhao


This review examines how storytelling has been applied in EFL teaching in secondary and higher education to enhance students’ oral proficiency. It aims to offer some insight into using storytelling as an effective tool for designing speaking classes in EFL contexts. The review found that as a teaching strategy, storytelling can be effective in promoting oral proficiency in students of English in both secondary and higher education contexts. The main difference lies with teachers as the main storytelling designers in secondary education and students in higher education. Similarly, in secondary education the application of storytelling tends to happen in the classroom, while in higher education, storytelling is more likely to be used outside the classroom by creating digital stories. Based on the analysis of the implementation of storytelling in both contexts, the review closes with some guidelines for the application of storytelling in EFL teaching.


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storytelling, digital storytelling, EFL teaching, oral proficiency, secondary education, higher education

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejel.v0i0.2521


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