Derya Yilmaz, Aihemaituoheti Wujiabudula


This article attempted to investigate the difference between university students’ Intercultural Sensitivity in terms of age, gender, being public and private university student, native tongue, English level, years of learning English, and students’ being abroad experience. A 15-item version (ISS-15) Intercultural Sensitivity Scale (Wang, 2016) which consists of 5 sub-factors was used to figure out and compare students’ (public and private universities) competence of intercultural communication. The number of participants in this survey was 232. Spss 22 Version was used to find out the difference between public and private university participants’ ICC. The findings suggest, considering the whole scale, that participants’ Intercultural Sensitivity differ in terms of their gender and English level; No significant differences were found in terms of age, native tongue, university types and participants’ being abroad experience. This paper offers valuable insights for applied researchers and scholars in terms of Intercultural Sensitivity when engaging in teaching Intercultural Sensitivity to English language learners.


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intercultural sensitivity, public and private university, second language acquisition, culture and language

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