Forida Parvin, Shariful Islam


The aim of this study is to discuss the influence of William Shakespeare in Modern English Language and Literature. The findings of this paper are beneficial to the personnel involved in English language studies who are in charge of exploring the authentic knowledge of Shakespeare and to convey them towards modern society. The students of English, English learner, English researcher, English language researcher, English native or non-native speakers have profound attraction towards William Shakespeare. This is because Shakespeare is one of the best influential novelists and playwrights in the English language. Before Shakespearean time, the language of English was accurately not consistent. His writings significantly contributed to the standardization of English grammar, language, spelling, vocabulary and literature. Shakespeare included approximately 1700 unique words into the language many of them are still used in modern time. Shakespeare has deep influence on poetry and literature that has been lasted over centuries. He perfectly used blank verses those previously no one used, and it has become a standard in poetry. Due to having profound influence of Shakespearean language on the way we speak nowadays, studying the writings of Shakespeare is an essential part of cultural education and academic learning. It is not only a wonder but also a mystery that still now we use Shakespearean languages, patterns, melodies and schemes in modern writings. The influence of William Shakespeare has spread over in modern movies, dramas, Eastern and Western philosophies, English language and also in literature. Writings of Shakespeare have also influenced many world-famous novelists, playwrights and poets over the years. Shakespeare is the one of the most cited authors in the history of the English literature. Many of his quotes are used into everyday life in English and other languages. William Shakespeare is extensively considered as the greatest writers of all times in the history of language and literature among the world prominent playwright.


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language, literature, pronunciation, sonnet, philosophy, drama, psychology, standardization, modernization, stage, society, culture

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