Nurhafni Siregar, Reni Sapitri


In the context of education at the elementary, secondary and tertiary level, communicative competence in English has a function as a tool for accessing information, fostering interpersonal relationships, and exchanging information. Listening activities have a portion of 45% of communication skills, which is also the basis for the acquisition of foreign languages which includes all three other language skills (speaking, reading, and writing). However, so far there has been a gap between expectations and reality in learning listening courses in higher education, especially in the UMN Al-Wasliyah English Language Education Study Program. In accordance with the observations of researchers as teaching staff in the UMN Al-Wasliyah English Language Education Study Program, there are still many students who do not have adequate knowledge and skills in listening courses. The purpose of this study is to realize the learning process of listening courses that can improve students’ thinking through metacognitive strategies. The results of this development are useful to improve the quality of the process and student achievement and also have a strategic function in the learning process, which can increase students' confidence, responsibility, and motivation. The research subjects were students of the English Language Education study program UMN Al-Wasliyah in the fourth semester of the 2018/2019 academic year as many as 30 people. Data collection techniques that will be used are questionnaires, document surveys, interviews, observations, and tests.


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developing, teaching procedure, listening, metacognitive strategy

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