Rafidah Abd Karim, Farahidatul Akmar Awaludin


In 21st century education, there are four key skills that students need to acquire: communication, critical thinking, creativity and collaboration. The study aims to explore the application of Fan-n-Pick learning model and to improve English communication skills and team building through the application of Fan-n-Pick learning model. This study is a report on practice in the classroom. The subjects of the study were the Year Three students who are aged 9 of a selected primary school in Malaysia. The data collection instrument consists of the teachers’ and students’ observation sheet and the observation sheets of team building activities and reports. Data was analysed using qualitative method. The results of the study show that the application of Fan-N-Pick learning model for the primary school students is well-performed. Hence, the learning model can develop primary students’ English communication skills and their team building.


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Fan-N-Pick learning model, English communication skills, team building, students

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