Merve Oksuz-Zerey


Rapid emergence of wireless technologies and ownership of mobile devices have changed many aspects of peoples’ lives. These mobile technologies have been integrated into language learning and teaching as well. Successful and effective use of these technologies in language learning, however, depends on the incorporation of pedagogical principles guided by theories of second language acquisition (SLA). Accordingly, informed by the interaction hypothesis (Gass & Mackey, 2015), this study employed a messaging application, WhatsApp, to help language learners improve their communication skills. Nine A1 level EFL students used WhatsApp voice messaging with their peers outside the classes to accomplish the tasks assigned to them for four weeks in the spring semester of 2018. Later, their experiences were investigated by means of written surveys. Content analysis of the data demonstrated that all the students who took part in the study benefitted from the WhatsApp voice messaging practice and perceived numerous benefits. These included speaking and pronunciation development, an opportunity for language practice, review of previous learning, overcoming shyness, and awareness and correction of errors. The findings were discussed in the light of the existing literature and certain implications arose for both language learners and teachers.

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WhatsApp voice messaging, mobile assisted language learning, oral interaction, out-of-class learning

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