Hegde Rashmi, G.M. Tungesh


The aim of this paper is to gauge the scope of applying ‘Teaching Portfolios’ to the English language teachers at the under graduate colleges in India. Teacher portfolios reflect the applicability of teachers’ beliefs in the practical classroom framework. Invariably teachers’ attitude and beliefs strongly affect students’ learning. Though many English teachers’ at the tertiary level are aware of the newer methodologies of imparting English language skills it is still at a superficial level of delivery in the ELT classes in India. The awareness of the need to reflect on the insights of an individual teacher' talents and beliefs about ELT could be beneficial for the ELT teaching fraternity. This paper prods on the productivity of Teaching Portfolios’ as an assessment endeavor to recognize the teachers’ parity on their reported beliefs of teaching, their approach and  inclination towards pedagogical strategies and effective ELT approaches execution in the classroom. A window view of how teachers contrive their teaching, and their teaching practices and the classroom reality therein are shaped by their belief is deliberated with their portfolio interpretations. It can be clinched that aspects of reflective teaching that teachers reflect in depth consideration are those that are also the most visible in their teaching practices. 


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communication, classroom, competence, philosophy, portfolio, learner


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejel.v0i0.370


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