Luu Nguyen Quoc Hung


In recent years, the implementation of outcome-based approach has been much emphasized as an increasing effort to improve educational quality and institutional accountability. Relatively contrary to the traditional education, outcome-based approach has put much emphasis on learners and their learning process. Understanding teachers’ beliefs about learning outcomes and outcome-based approach can help reinforce teaching practices. This small-scaled study investigated a group of 32 teachers of young learners about their perceptions of implementing outcome-based education at the Center for Foreign Languages in Can Tho City in Vietnam. Overall, the teachers indicated positive perceptions towards practices of using learning outcomes and presented typical challenges of implementing learning outcomes for teaching young learners. There were several major recommendations for teachers for effective implementation of outcome-based approach.

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challenges, learning outcomes, outcome-based approach, perceptions

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejel.v6i6.3957


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