Mahmut Zengin, Nuray Yilmaz


This study aims to establish the effects of educational computer games on the vocabulary learning of EFL students. In the research, the real experimental model with a pre-test/post-test control group was used. The application of the study was carried out with 5th grade EFL students in two middle schools. The study group consisted of 166 students in the experimental group and 171 students in the control group. Five different games have been developed for use in research, including selection-matching-space-filling games, memory games, word capture games, crossword games, and millionaire games. Games were prepared by using Adobe Captivate 9.0 program. The students in the experimental group learned through educational computer games. The students in the control group learned according to the current program. Data were collected by applying the academic achievement test before and after one month of the experiment. To analyze the data were used quantitative data methods; T-Test for independent samples, t-Test for dependent samples, Mann-Whitney U test, and Wilcoxon signed-rank test. The results of the study indicate that the students who learned vocabulary with educational computer games were more successful than the students who learned according to the current program. The learning in the experimental group is more retention than in the control group.


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educational computer games; L2; FL; 5th grade; middle school; vocabulary learning; vocabulary retention

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