Irma Wahyuny Ibrahim, Nor Syahiza Shahabani, Izlin Mohamad Ghazali


To become a champion requires a good mental attitude toward preparation. You have to accept the most tedious task with pleasure”, Bruce Lee (1940-1973). The emergence of Online Distance Learning (ODL) amidst the pandemic Covid-19 forces the learners to have mental readiness in embracing the new normal mode of learning. This study is done to examine the presence of cognitive and behavioural processes that the learners experience, in developing their own mental readiness towards L2 online learning. 240 university students from several universities in Malaysia responded to the questionnaire. The quantitative data have been analysed by using SPSS version 26 to disclose percentage for the demographic profile and mean score for the variables. Findings indicate that cognitive and behavioural processes occurred when the learners develop mental readiness in L2 online learning despite being ambivalent about the effectiveness of e-learning class as compared to face-to-face class. The study suggests the importance of the stability of the external factors, such as the technicality and the support system, which include a positive environment and enough aid from their instructor/teacher, will enhance learners’ e-learning experiences.


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cognitive process, behavioural process, mental readiness, L2 Online Learning

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