Thi Minh Uyen Phan, Thi Thuy Hang Nguyen, Hong Linh Nguyen


Most Vietnamese students who learn English often make mistakes when learning Vietnamese-English translation because there are many differences between Vietnamese and English. Therefore, translation is a difficult subject when learning English. This research “Some common errors in the Vietnamese-English translation of English majors at Tay Do University” focused on some common errors of English majors in Vietnamese-English translation. In this research, the participants were 75 English majored juniors at Tay Do University in which 55 students randomly were chosen to complete the translation tests and the remaining ones (20 students) were selected to answer the interview questions. The results of this thesis showed that the English majors made errors in Vietnamese-English translation related to word order, grammar, and lexicon. It is hoped that this research can be helpful for both students and teachers in the process of learning and teaching translation.


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common errors; Vietnamese-English translation; English-major juniors

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