Timothy Nyangonla Awuah


This paper talks about the approach and the variety of English to be used in our Ghanaian classrooms. English language teaching has witnessed a major boom around the globe in recent times. The continuous spread of English has given rise to different varieties of English language, making it almost impossible to trace the norms for Standard English (SE) (Brutt-Griffler, 2002; Kachru, 1982; Lowenberg, 2000). Research shows that the global spread of English has a significant bearing on English Language Teaching (ELT). Much of this bearing has manifested itself in the lack of a uniform target variety of English for instruction and the prevailing problems in setting suitable teaching goals and objectives commensurate to teaching and learning outcomes. ELT in Ghanaian classrooms has numerous challenges. A closer look at them suggests that the root of many of these problems lies in the unprecedented global spread of English in the last few decades that has given rise to different varieties of English language and the use of social media. A brief explanation in this regard is in order. Different varieties of English mean that ELT can no longer afford to only choose between British or American English as the primary target variety for instruction but can also choose other non-native varieties such as Ghanaian, Nigerian, Indian Englishes and the like. Lastly, ELT in our Ghanaian classrooms should base on a pragmatic and humanistic approach.


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English language teaching; teaching approaches; Ghanaian classrooms

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejel.v7i2.4244


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