AbdulMahmoud Idrees Ibrahim


This study aimed at investigating the effect of the storytelling strategies on improving the language speaking skills of grade-six elementary school boys in Sudan. It was designated to find out the effects of using storytelling on developing language speaking skills. It was assumed that there are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the experimental group students and their peers in the control group on the language speaking skills test due to the storytelling technique. The total sample was 63 where there were 31 students in the experimental group and 32 in the controlled group. Pre-test and post-test were used to collect the data. The results of the study showed that there was a substantial effect of the storytelling technique on language speaking skills in favor of the experimental group. The results proved that English language traditional techniques don’t meet the need of the students or attract their interest to improve their English language. Storytelling techniques were found very helpful to promote language speaking skills. The study recommended that teachers should be subjected to intensive training to cope with the learners' needs and to be aware of the communicative approach necessities.


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EFL learners; speaking skills; storytelling technique; student-centred: young learner

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