This study investigated the growth mindset of college students in English language learning and the challenges they encounter in an online setting. Using a researcher-made questionnaire about the growth mindset of college students in English language learning and the challenges they encounter in an online setting, data from the 60 respondents in the study coming from the different colleges or departments of the Notre Dame of Midsayap College were analyzed quantitatively. Findings indicated that students have a high growth mindset and that factors such as motivation, criticism, environment, and effort had played a major role in their English language learning. Major challenges of students in an online setting include finding difficulty in accessing online materials due to poor internet connection, experiencing headaches and body pains due to prolonged exposure to gadgets, and getting bored easily when class time is too lengthy. The least challenges encountered by students in an online setting yet also hampered their learning are lacking gadgets such as a cellphone and laptops, feeling disconnected from the instructor, and excessive workloads. Furthermore, there is no significant difference in a growth mindset in terms of sex and college or department. However, it was found out that College of Nursing (CN) got the highest mean when it comes to their growth mindset. Meanwhile, College of Information Technology, and Engineering (CITE) got the lowest mean. Moreover, there is a significant relationship between the growth mindset of English language learning and the challenges they encountered in an online setting.
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