Vo Van Si


Researchers have pointed out that Moodle usage, a type of software supporting blended learning enhances learning beyond the classroom. It is proven that blended learning takes place when Moodle is employed. The aim of this study was to investigate what perceptions the EFL university students had toward the Moodle Quiz-supported listening practice. This was a descriptive research. The instrument of this study was a questionnaire developed by generating a list of factors derived from the literature to find out what perceptions EFL students at Tay Do University had toward the Moodle Quiz-supported listening practice. The questionnaire was based on close-ended five-point Likert scale statements. The findings showed that the participants held a positive perception toward the Moodle Quiz-supported listening practice as it enhanced learning outcomes, enhanced their interest/enjoyment in listening to English, promoted their independent learning, fostered a flexible learning environment, and provided authentic materials.


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EFL students, Moodle Quiz-supported listening, perception, Tay Do University

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