Le Thi Thanh Hien, Cao Thi My Nhan


Affix knowledge is crucial for enhancing word knowledge in English morphology. Understanding the meaning of affixes not only helps develop knowledge of words but also helps master grammar. This study uses a questionnaire to assess the knowledge of prefixes and affixes and determine students' awareness of affixes. The 21 students participating in the study were all students of the 45th course, majoring in high-quality English. A survey about affix identification was given to participants, to determine their definitions and perceptions of prefixes and suffixes in English morphology. The results show that students can identify a common affix but have difficulty with strange affixes. However, to understand affixes well and be good at morphological awareness, students need to cultivate and understand the theoretical aspects of this knowledge. Another inference of these findings is favorable in the discussion part.


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affixes, prefixes, suffixes, meaning, word

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejel.v7i6.4605


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