Nhu Quynh Tu, Huan Buu Nguyen


Scaffolding is considered as a kind of support assisting students in completing language learning tasks. Research into mind-mapping, a type of graphic organizer, has indicated its role as a scaffolding strategy in teaching English. This paper reports a descriptive study examining teachers’ beliefs and practices of using mind-mapping to scaffold students’ paragraph writing at pre-writing stage. The data discussed in this paper include questionnaires and observations with eighty-four teachers of English as a foreign language. The findings of the research reveal teachers’ positive beliefs about mind-mapping and their practices of mind-mapping to scaffold students’ paragraph writing. Pedagogical implications for teachers and students are presented.


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teachers’ beliefs, scaffolding, paragraph writing, mind-mapping

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejel.v8i4.4957


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