Nguyen Thi Diem Kieu, Luu Nguyen Quoc Hung


In the context of EFL learning and teaching, listening skill is believed to be the most challenging of the four language skills due to typical challenges. Engaging learners in listening lessons is the desirable goal of most teachers to enhance the learners’ listening performance and success. To keep young learners engaged in their learning, teachers need to implement various engaging techniques to increase learner engagement. This study aims to explore EFL teachers’ perceptions of their young learner engagement through the three main aspects of behavioral engagement, cognitive engagement, and emotional engagement. The descriptive method was employed with 78 teachers of young learners in different foreign language centers in Mekong Delta in Vietnam. The results revealed that learning engagement in listening lessons is relatively emphasized, especially in the aspect of behavioral and cognitive engagement. Several important engaging techniques were suggested as effective ways to improve learners’ listening performance.


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EFL teachers, learner engagement, listening, young learners

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejel.v8i4.5007


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