Nguyen Trong Nghia, Bui Thi Thu Trang


This research was conducted to explore the current state of self-study among English-majored students to review their learning preferences and propose solutions to enhance their English self-study outside the classroom which is beneficial to their language proficiency and academic achievement. To collect sufficient quantitative data, a questionnaire was delivered to one hundred English-majored students at a public university in Ho Chi Minh City. The results show the diversity in how the students select time, forms, self-study sources, places, and contents, revealing their flexibility and commitment to self-study. It is also notable that all of the students, even those with decent self-study, acknowledge the vital role of teachers in the journey of learning English. Overall, the findings have provided readers the diverse insights on how to utilize self-learning strategies effectively while still emphasizing the indispensable role of teachers.


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self-study, English-majored students, preferences, solutions

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