Krittat Sukman, Supong Tangkiengsirisin


This corpus-based study aims to facilitate the instruction of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) and benefit Thai undergraduate students majoring in Business English by investigating lexical collocations found in business news. A corpus of business news (COBN) was compiled, containing 678,373 running words sourced from 755 online business news. Employing AntConc version 3.5.9, the first 120 keywords were identified in accordance with the set criteria, with the majority being nouns (82.5%), followed by adjectives (12.5%), and verbs (5%). These keywords served as "nodes" to identify their "collocates," resulting in 330 pairs of lexical collocations with 5 combination types. Following a framework adapted from Benson, Benson, and Ilson, prominent combinations included Noun + Noun (54.02%), Adjective + Noun (26.86%), Noun + Verb (13.69%), Verb + Noun (4.47%), and Verb + Adverb (0.89%). The pedagogical implications and recommendations for future research were also discussed.


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business news, collocations, corpus analysis, keyword lists

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejel.v9i1.5202


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