Jovelle M. Reyes, Ronie B. Espinosa, Rose Nannette J. San Juan


Language barriers hinder students from mastering English fluency, ranking as the second most common global communication barrier, especially for learners in classrooms. Addressing these issues is a priority for the education system. Targeting these issues can help students achieve mastery of the language, especially since it is the medium of instruction in some subjects such as English, Science, and Mathematics. This descriptive research carefully examined the most common language barriers among Grade 8 students in their classroom communication, their causes and effects, and ways to cope with these, so the researchers could create an intervention material to address these issues. Sixty (60) Grade 8 Students from San Roque National High, and their English teacher, responded to this study. The analysis of their interview responses showed the most common language barrier, as well as its causes and effects. The results indicated that the most common barrier for Grade 8 students is their problem with grammar and its components due to a lack of exposure to the use of the English language, which causes them to have low self-confidence in using the language. They also stated that they love to read and view it as a way to cope with these problems. Based on these findings, it is recommended to use the intervention material made by the researchers that focuses on Grammar to help them become fluent in the English language. It is also recommended to add more grammar lessons if needed by the students.


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language barriers, examination, interview, intervention material

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