Dieu Huong Phung, Nguyen Van Anh Le


This study focuses on understanding the obstacles encountered by senior students at FE-UFLS-UD when writing task 2 of the C1.2 End-of-Course Test, along with the factors contributing to these challenges and proposed remedies. Data was gathered from 42 students who studied in the C1.2 Writing subject and took the C1.2 End-of-Course Test. The study employed an open-ended questionnaire and semi-structured interviews, the study employed thematic coding and qualitative methods to analyze the collected data, revealing the presence of affective, cognitive, and linguistic difficulties and their underlying causes. Based on these findings, the study offers recommendations to address these issues. Importantly, the research encourages students to utilize the insights gained from the study to enhance their study approaches and prepare for both the C1.2 End-of-Course Test and the VSTEP exam. Additionally, teachers can take the findings as guidance to assist students to improve their writing skills effectively.


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difficulties, writing task 2, the C1.2 End-of-Course Test, solutions, senior students.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejel.v9i1.5316


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