Li-Wei Wei


The complexity of foreign vocabulary and the multifaceted meanings of word combinations often pose significant challenges to language learners, potentially deterring their motivation. Dictionaries, however, serve as pivotal tools in surmounting these obstacles. Extant research has extensively explored the intersection of language acquisition and dictionary utilization, revealing a marked preference among EFL students for online or electronic dictionaries over traditional paper formats. Despite the recognized importance of dictionary use in fostering language proficiency, there remains a notable paucity of research investigating the specific impact of different dictionary formats on learners' writing skills. This study adopted a quasi-experimental between-groups design, including a control group and two experimental groups, involving a cohort of 67 Chinese EFL graduates from an international college in China. Over a ten-week experimental period, participants in the experimental groups utilized digital and paper dictionaries as reference aids for abstract writing, whereas the control group was deprived of any dictionary usage. Following the experiment, a semi-structured interview was conducted to assess the benefits of dictionary use in abstract writing and to elicit learners' perceptions of digital versus print English dictionaries. The weekly abstract writing submissions from all three groups were collected and meticulously analyzed. The findings revealed that both digital and paper dictionaries significantly enhanced the abstract writing performance of the Chinese EFL graduates in the experimental groups. Notably, participants who used digital dictionaries demonstrated a substantial and statistically significant improvement in overall abstract writing quality and language usage compared to those in the print-dictionary group. Furthermore, the study reported that digital dictionaries were particularly favored by Chinese EFL graduates due to their numerous advantageous attributes, including their reliability and efficacy in identifying appropriate linguistic expressions and vocabulary. In conclusion, the empirical evidence underscores the efficacy of digital dictionaries in augmenting the writing skills of EFL learners, suggesting a potential pedagogical shift towards the integration of digital lexicographical resources in language education curricula.


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abstract writing, EFL Chinese graduate learners, digital English dictionary, print English dictionary

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