S. Syafrizal, Hasanuddin Chaer, Sutrisno Sadji Evenddy


The researchers pointed out that digital storytelling can be used as supporting materials for the e-learning portal in both departments, English and Indonesian department. It discussed more about the process of designing the material of a digital storytelling as teaching aid for literal listening subject. It has a significant contribution for the effective and fun English learning. Through the qualitative method used to analyze the data. The research also started by collecting sources for creating and designing the digital storytelling on stories entitled “Aunt Polly” and ”Tom Fight” by Mark Twain. It started from inventorying the teaching and learning stuff such as syllabus, lesson plan, software, and the digital contents of the storytelling made. The researchers choose Audacity 3.5 Beta, and Windows Moviemaker 2.6, as the software for editing audio and creating video. The stories were made for enhancing the students listening skills either bottom-up or top down. The result of this research proves digital storytelling can be used in E-learning portal, such as Edmodo. The questionnaires result shows that digital storytelling is an interesting material, but need to be modified more in e-learning.


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digital storytelling, audio and video files, e-learning


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejel.v0i0.622


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