Intakhab Alam Khan, Fariha Asif


This paper sheds light on the perception of hospital staff towards learning English and work culture at a private hospital known as the International Medical Centre (IMC) of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. English is one of the advantages for working in a hospital like IMC which is quite advanced and equipped, and the work culture is suitable for continuous professional development. The paper also attempts to examine the ways which can be used to improve proficiency of English among the hospital professionals. After the selection of a convenient-purposive sample of 75 hospital professionals of IMC, a questionnaire was developed and responses were tabulated and analyzed. Hospital’s academy (training unit) was also approached to cross check the data elicited from the professionals. The data reveal that most hospital staff has a positive attitude towards learning English for professional reasons. They have a desire to undergo professional training for continuous and further development in addition to the current work culture suitable for practicing English. The study also reflects on the efforts done by the hospital administration to train the employees for specific English to be used in the hospital for health purposes.


perception, learning English, hospital staff, work culture, training programs


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