Mona S. Rashed


The study sheds lights on the basic reasons and/or obstacles that hamper Kuwaiti students in the College of Arts/Kuwait University from advancing in English learning process in ESL classes. It, on the same level, tries to answer the question: “Why Do Kuwaiti Students in the College of Arts Think that Learning English is Both Difficult and Unnecessary?“ The study moves onto a parallel direction which focuses on the various factors that affect the full and smooth L2 acquisition. The survey was answered by about 500 students from the Arts College studying English modules (090, 141, and 142). Students answered the questions in either language; English or Arabic. They, in return, disclosed their views, suggestions, ideas and reflections about the curriculum. On the other hand, the survey results demonstrated the fact that students were discontent with the traditional methods of teaching grammar; they explained that they would want a more communicative method of integrating grammar within other L2 skills.


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Arts College students, survey, English language learning, obstacles, eliminating skills, factors


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejel.v0i0.814


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