Ghulam Hussain


The purpose of this study is to evaluate ELT methods, techniques and to indicate classroom activities in the higher educations’ institutions in Punjab particularly with reference to CLT. This study also focuses to point out hurdles and major training needs for improvement in ELT situation. Teachers of college and university are selected as participants for this study. Data is collected from one hundred and eighteen participants by using a questionnaire combination of open ended and close ended items. Data collected have been analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively in the form of percentage, tables and graphs. The findings show that with other teaching techniques and activities, CLT techniques and activities are also being used in our higher education institutions to some extent and similarly facts and figures about ELT success areas manifest that English language teaching in Punjab, Pakistan is moderately successful with respect to different aspects like reading speed, exam success, oral fluency etc. Teachers identified that conversation with native speaker is not as successful as needed. Teachers face many difficulties but these are manageable with respect to CLT. Mostly teachers suggested teacher training programme, use of new technologies, support from administration, small class size and training with native teachers to improve overall ELT situation. 


ELT, higher education, Punjab, Pakistan


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