Hatice Okyar, Gonca Yangın Ekşi


This study compared the effectiveness of negative evidence and enriched input on learning the verb-noun collocations. There were 52 English as Foreign Language (EFL) learners in this research study and they were randomly assigned to the negative evidence or enriched input groups. While the negative evidence group (n=27) was provided with instruction about what was not acceptable for verb-noun collocation structure, the enriched input group (n=25) was exposed to the target verb-noun collocations many times without any instruction or feedback. In order to determine the effects of the implementation, pre- and post- form recognition tests and pre-and post-production tests were administered to the participants. Wilcoxon signed rank test for paired samples and Mann Whitney U tests were conducted since the data did not meet normality assumptions. The Wilcoxon test results indicated that the negative evidence group achieved significant improvement in both their recognition and production test results. As for the enriched input group, the students presented a considerable improvement in terms of the production test; however, their performance was not very significant on the recognition test results. To compare both groups, Mann Whitney U test was run and it was evident that both the negative evidence and enriched input groups had positive effects on the production of verb-noun collocations. On the other hand, the form recognition test results revealed that the negative evidence group outperformed the enriched input group. 


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negative evidence, enriched input, verb-noun collocations


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejel.v0i0.965


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