Flipped instruction reinforces the idea that learning cannot be limited to classrooms. Flipped instruction is a new way of teaching for language pedagogy as other fields. Thus, the present research aimed to find out student teachers’ perspectives about flipped instruction and flipped instruction based syllabus which was designed specifically for speaking skills development. The current study was utilized qualitative method to collect the data. Structured written interview technique and student teachers’ response papers were used to collect student teachers’ perspectives about flipped instruction and flipped instruction based Oral Communication Skills I course. The participants were Pre-service English Language Teaching Department student teachers who were first graders of ELT department at Gazi University, Turkey. Participants consisted of 23 students who were 20 female and 3 male student teachers. Results showed that student teachers had positive attitudes towards flipped instruction, which was quite new for the student teachers. The results indicated that student teachers were satisfied with flipped instruction and flipped syllabus which was specifically designed for the course. Besides, student teachers thought that flipped instruction was effective to make them prepared for the lesson and speaking activities which are carried out in class times.
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