This study is done in order to examine the relation among the levels of athlete’s self- sufficiency that interest in the barbell, wrestling and boxing which are individual sports. The study consists of 135 athletes who are 126 men, 9 women and also are selected randomly from the branches of barbell, wrestling and boxing in Ankara. A scale form is used as data collection tool in study. The scale forms consist of 2 different parts. In first part, there are some questions about personal characteristics. In second part, there are some questions about the level of self- sufficiency. The findings obtained are collected with the scale of self-sufficiency. The reliability and validity of scale forms are calculated as 0.716 Cronbach alpha value. According to these criteria, the scale is reliable. The data are evaluated in detail by analyzing in SPSS 20.0 programme. In analysis, the analysis of correlation, t test of independent sample, one-way analysis of variance and Tukey test are used. There are no meaningful differences in terms of the levels of women and men participants’ self-sufficiency in research findings. Also, the level of self- sufficiency doesn’t differ according to the age and branch of sport. Given the influence of general self-sufficiency on the attitudes and performance of sportsmen, it is extremely important to know and develop methods for increasing general self-efficacy levels. Athletes' self-efficacy beliefs are an important element in increasing motivation for level of spore participation and success. As people's perception of general self-efficacy increases, so does the interest in the places.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v0i0.1008
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