The best performance of soccer practitioners is certainly a consequence of regular football training, which also seems to bring acceleration to physical growth (Navarro F, 2000). The aim of this study was to give evidence on changes in physical parameters to young players throughout 5 months of training in football teams in Shkodra. Selection of the sample measurements were made in 2 teams of the city of Shkodra. In these measurements participated 78 boys players in the first and second phase of the measurements for a period of 5 months. The participant undertook anthropometrics parameters evaluation and performed three speed test (10m and 30m sprint test, speed and agility 10x5m). The necessary measurements for testing were: for the maximum capacity of the Vo2max oxygen (Andersen test) and strength tests. The difference between the first and second test (T2- T1) results of 10 m, presents the following values: mean of improvement 0.26 s (standard deviation 0.26 s and average error 0.04 s (p = 0.00)). Meanwhile, the difference between the results of the first and second tests of 30m velocity (improvement) is the following: average 0.18 s (standard deviation 0.37 s and average error 0.06 s (p = 0.00)). The difference between the results of the first and the second aerobic capacity tests is the following: average 26.6 m (standard deviation 126.28 m and average error of 51.55 m (p = 0.63)). The difference between the results of the first and second tests of the lower leg limbs presents the following values: mean -0.06 times (standard deviation 0.20 times and standard error of 0.03 times average (p = 0.05)). The results of the study showed the impact of training load at different stages of the training cycle for linear running speed, changes in speed, strength, and aerobic capacity to new football players in Shkodra. These results can serve as a basis for comparisons with colleagues in similar research studies. We have noticed that the speed performance and the ability to quickly change the direction of the players have improved throughout the observation period. For aerobic capacity, we did not notice a major improvement during the pre-season training period, while at the end of the season, sustainability increased slightly. We conclude that the training process in the youth plays an important role in the development of young players and positively influences the development of individual athletic performance components.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejpe.v0i0.1133
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