Burhanettin Hacicaferoglu


This research was conducted to examine the relationships between physical education and sports teachers and their colleagues, the support of the school administration to them and the level of job satisfaction they feel about their profession in terms of gender variation. The sample of the research, done by using the general survey model, constituted of a total of 108 teachers, 79 males and 29 females, working in the central district of Malatya province and selected randomly. The scales of colleague relations, school administration support and job satisfaction components were used as data collection tools in the research. Based on the answers given to the scale by the teachers in the sample, it was determined that the general arithmetic mean of the scales was moderate level in terms of the positive scores of the components from all the gender groups. According to the arithmetic scores, it was determined that female teachers felt more positive colleague-school administration support and job satisfaction perception compared to male teachers according to the variables of marital and education status and working time. In addition, it was determined that there was no statistically significant difference between male teachers' education and marital status and working time variables and arithmetic scores of the components. For female teachers, it was found that married female teachers had a significant difference in the school administration support, single teachers in job satisfaction, and there was no significant difference in other variables and components.


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colleague relations, school administration, job satisfaction, physical education, sports teacher


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