Bahieh Zarei, Korosh Veisi


The main purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between information technology and employees' job performance in Sports and Youth Departments of Kermanshah province. This research is a correlation study has been conducted in the field. All employees of Kermanshah province sports and youth departments have established statistical population of research (N=228), that that sample size were equalled population. For collecting research data, three standard questionnaires including Moharram Zade (2011), information technology questionnaire and Heresy & Goldsmith (1981) job performance questionnaire was used. For data analyses proper inferential statistics (K-S, Pearson Coefficient and Regression) were used. The findings showed that there is significant correlation among all dimensions of information technology with job performance of Kermanshah province sports and type variables and the use of computers, the use of computer software and internet use and the ability to predict job performance are variable. With regarding research results, it is recommended that managers of Kermanshah province sports and youth departments with proper use of information technology increase and job performance of their employees.


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information technology, job performance, Sports and Youth Departments, Kermanshah Province


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