From the moment the child comes to the world, he finds himself in a social development. The communication with the mother and father first and then with the surroundings becomes stronger day by day. The greatest part of this communication comes to life through gameplay, which includes a period that will never end until death. This process; nowadays it often includes a cosmopolitan way of life in which the traditional structure has been lost in urban life. This habitat, where traditional values are lost and artificial, material and violent behaviors are prevailing instead, also allows for the formation of dramatic artificial games of the same genre. While the game is the most important element in the adoption of correct behaviors patterns in social life, which prepares and directs the life of the child, this degenerating harmful effect moves to a dangerous dimension like a weapon which is turned into public. In this study, it is tried to show how today some artificial games have left people alone and some violent games have directed their psychological tendencies in the future.
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