The research aims to the physiological side from the athletics beginner’s training according to scientific basics and principles which is must include the measurements and testing operations because of its selection processes importance and to determine the results, evaluate the current level of the players, and how do they should be in future. Through the capacity assessment and adopted to determine the level of digital achievement and takes it as an index to guide athletics beginners for its various events and this is what we sought to search in it in athletics beginners category (16-17). For Algerian west clubs (210 athlete by 33.92% from the origin community) relying on some special field measurements and down to highlight the connectivity relations and comparison of the aerobic and anaerobic capacities with the digital achievement for the various practiced events and to reach the goals of the research we used the descriptive method with a survey style. After testing and collecting and processing the information, it was reached to detect the level of the aerobic and anaerobic capacities for the beginners, we found the relationship of these capacities with the digital achievement in various practiced events besides the existence of differences between the beginners in some capacities because of the different events within the per class (jogging, jumping, throwing).
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Copyright (c) 2016 Belbali Abdelkader, Houar Abdelatif, Zerf Mohamed, Bengoua Ali

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