Satisfaction in sports has been a critical issue because of its relation to several psychosocial factors like leadership and motivation. Demographic characteristics of the groups under study have also shown to have impact on the satisfaction levels in physical activity. Based on the self-determination theory, the present study on influence of age on satisfaction of Kenyan volleyball league players hypothesized that there is no significant difference among Kenya volleyball league players of different age categories on the 15 sub-scales of sports satisfaction on the Athletic Satisfaction Questionnaire (ASQ). The study targeted male and female Kenyan volleyball league players in national division one and two. A total of 134 players were sampled for the study. Data were analysed by use of descriptive statistics and t test. Independent group t-ratios on the satisfaction scale showed significance (p< .05) on Team Social Contribution (t –2.756, p=0.007), Ethics (t-2.043, p=0.043), Team Integration (t-2.193, p=0.30), Academic Support Services (t -2.961, p=0.004) and External Agents (t -3.303, p=0.001).The study concluded that age influence satisfaction in sports and physical activity with younger and older players showing inclination towards different satisfaction components. It recommended enhancement of varied satisfaction components by coaches and trainers to maximize participation and performance.
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