The aim of the present research is to investigate the impact of anticipation procedures on the incidence of different types of academic misconduct in physical education and sport. Plagiarism is a persistent manifestation and scholastic structures have had to deal with. The used method of this investigation is descriptive, in terms of implementation, it is a survey, and in terms of purpose, it is practical. Figures for this study were collected using a researcher-constructed questionnaire. Its validity was definite by a number of sports management faculty and its reliability calculated 87/0 with Cronbach's alpha. The questionnaire was designed with a Likert scale of 5 values. The participants of the study include physical education students all over the country. Based on geographic regions of the country, five universities selected from the North, South, East, West and center of the country all of which were graduate students of physical education. The statistical sample of the study included graduate. The selection of sample was available by stratified-Stochastic sampling method. Sample size in five colleges determined, based on the number of graduate students of this five faculty and using Morgan table. The findings show the importance of prevention methods, especially the knowledgeable observers and judges at various stages of research in occurring academic misconduct.
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Setamdideh, Mostafa; Memarbashi, Aidin; Ghaderi, Loghman. Prevention Methods and Types of Academic Misconduct. European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science, Available at: Date accessed: 23 November. 2016.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Mahmoud Vaghri, Aidin Memarbashi, Mostafa Mostafapour

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